The highlights problem questions of legislation which regulates fees of mandatory state pension insurance by individuals, i.e. entrepreneurs who have chosen a special taxation method


  • Ольга Борисівна Німко Zhytomyr agroecological university



taxes and fees, compulsory state pension insurance,   the powers of public authorities to establish the size and order of payment of contributions for obligatory state pension insurance


The article highlights problem questions of legislation which regulates fees of mandatory state pensioninsurance by individuals, i.e. entrepreneurs who have chosen a special taxation method. It also deals with thepowers of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, President of Ukraine and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerningthe establishment of fees for the compulsory state pension insurance.

Author Biography

Ольга Борисівна Німко, Zhytomyr agroecological university

PhD, Head of Department of Law


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How to Cite

Німко, О. Б. (2010). The highlights problem questions of legislation which regulates fees of mandatory state pension insurance by individuals, i.e. entrepreneurs who have chosen a special taxation method. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(17), 97–101.



Commercial Law