Intra-financial activities of the business entities


  • Роман Богданович Шишка National Aviation University
  • Марина Ігорівна Мкртичева Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



inside - financial activities, the contract for control of property, the contract law, the right of economic guiding, the right of operational management, the income of subjects of economic activity, the real right, the monitoring system


Balance and off-balance structural subdividing are considered in the doctrine of the civil and commercial law, and at legislative level too. As the subjects of economic activity can create at its discretion separate subdividing and control their activities on the right of economic guiding or the right of operational management, so it can independently determine the costs of maintaining of the property and of the other subjects which aren't object of the taxation and as a result are uncontrollable. Therefore the problem consists in naturalization and idealization of these objects.



Author Biographies

Роман Богданович Шишка, National Aviation University

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Commercial Law and the Process of the Legal Institute

Марина Ігорівна Мкртичева, Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

a student


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How to Cite

Шишка, Р. Б., & Мкртичева, М. І. (2014). Intra-financial activities of the business entities. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(33), 112–117.



Commercial Law