Legal nature of the lease
leasing, leasing relations, leasing activity, contract, lease, credit, economic activityAbstract
Transformation processes that take place in the market economy of Ukraine, limited financial resources and investment, the need to improve the innovation component production cause the search for new ways to improve and renewal of the fixed assets of enterprises. One of such tools is leasing, which is an integral part of economic relations in the countries with developed economy. For Ukraine this activity is relatively new, but it is actively developing.Development and effective functioning of the market institutions in Ukraine are greatly dependent on the presence of the legal and regulatory framework that creates this most favorable conditions. Therefore, the formation of leasing in the national economic system is closely associated with the state laws governing this relationships.
According to the current legislation and literature, the term "lease" is used in several ways: as a form of social (economic) relations; as economic activity; a business operation; as a contract.
The Civil Code of Ukraine defines leasing as a separate type of binding the contractual relationship, which mediated the relationship on the transfer of property for temporary use.
The norms of the Commercial Code of Ukraine established legal definition of leasing as a type of economic activity and determines the peculiarities of regulation of property relations of entities.
Analyzing the provision of legal acts and major theoretical developments on the legal nature of leasing, authors conclude that the leasing should be seen as a kind of economic relations, which are based on the contract. For a successful development of the leasing relations in Ukraine, first of all, it’s necessary to ensure their proper normative regulation.
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