Peculiarities of contractual regulation of service provision in business


  • Андрій Богданович Гриняк Research institute of Private law and entrepreneurship



legal regulation, business, service agreement, subjects of contractual obligations to provide services, executive services


In the article the meaning of the term «regulate» is analyzed. This term can be found in various explanatory dictionaries, thus it’s possible to conclude that the legal regulation means some activity of the subjects who with the help of the law direct, regulate and influence certain phenomena. It was mentioned that expect the normative-legal approach to the regulation of relations with the provision of services civil legislature is characterized by the existence of discretionary principles of such regulation. They find their expression in the legal possibility of entities to regulate their behavior in the contract by derogation from the provisions of civil law or even regulate their relations not covered by these regulations. That regulation of relations with the provision of services is not limited by civil legislation of Ukraine. That is, in the regulation of contract relations sphere legislator pushes law to a second place, preferring the contract and the provisions of civil law are treated as discretionary, unless the parties are bound by these acts due to the content or nature of relations between the parties.

It is proved that contractual regulation in their impact on relationships with service provision is broader than normative, as legislative regulation aims at streamlining the contracting relationship and contract – at their organization and formation. Therefore, contracts for services are considered to be a unique social and legal structure of private law, which determines its specificity and also gives them the widest freedom of activity, provides the opportunity to act as a sort of "legislators" for themselves, but within certain rights.

It is determined that the contracts for services executed by state or local government while performing their direct functions are seemingly transactions as their conclusion does not lead to the emergence of civil rights and obligations, which is characteristic of civil relations. Moreover, in such cases no services can be provided, as all actions committed by local government are the direct performance of his official duties and, therefore, are public relations.

Author Biography

Андрій Богданович Гриняк, Research institute of Private law and entrepreneurship

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Senior Research Officer


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How to Cite

Гриняк, А. Б. (2015). Peculiarities of contractual regulation of service provision in business. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(34), 115–120.



Commercial Law