Legal assistance contract as a legal constructure


  • Максим Віталійович Кравченко Zaporizhzhya National University



contract, contracting, service contract to provide legal aid


The article refers to a contract of legal aid and its place in the contract law. The author draws attention to the competition between contracts of legal services provided by the Law of Ukraine «On Social Services» and agreements on legal assistance according to the Law of Ukraine «On free legal aid» and «On advocacy and advocacy activity».

On the basis of the content of those contracts’ analysis the idea is pointed out that the contract for legal assistance should be considered as a work contract, but allows the inclusion of the elements of service agreements. At the same time it is denied that typologically this agreement should be referred to the service one since the range of performers is narrowed. It is also mentioned that subcontractors and giving a legal aid simultaneously by several performers are not allowed. Contracting and mixed construction of a contract to provide legal assistance protects more the rights of the client.

The current doctrinal concept of «contract for legal assistance» is formed. According to it legal assistance contract provides that lawyer (law firm) at his own risk agrees to give to the customer (client or clients) professional legal assistance or perform legal services regarding resolution of legal problematic situations, prepare projects or opinions on legal acts, represent his (their) interests in government agencies and local government, courts, and the customer must pay for their expenses and the fee. However the latter states that the law and/or contract may provide otherwise. This expanded compared to the given earlier definition clarifies the subject of the contract, what is profitably for the client as a consumer. The recommendations on its use are given.

Such an agreement is mixed and can be characterized by bilateralism, aleatory and as a consensual, fiducial, chargeable/free of charge agreement. It can be also in a favour of a third party.

The cases where such an agreement should be used are identified.

Author Biography

Максим Віталійович Кравченко, Zaporizhzhya National University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Кравченко, М. В. (2015). Legal assistance contract as a legal constructure. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(34), 86–91.

