Content of the public administration (theoretical and legal aspect)


  • Микола Нестрович Курко Interregional Academy of Personnel Management



public administration, executive power, subjects of administration, objects of administration, forms of administration, methods of administration, purposes of administration


The article is about the problems of determination of the state administration in the political system of the state. Its «narrow» and «broad» concepts are in the base of its determination. The author also pays attention to the administration systems, forms and methods as important and necessary values in scientific analysis of public administration.

The relevance and insufficient study of these problems led to the necessity of writing this article. The author’s position concerning certain debatable issues of public administration problems are revealed in it.

It is pointed out in the article that administrative reform implementation in Ukraine and also its tasks were the reasons for the scientific grounding of the number of basic categories that compose a content of this process. The purpose of the administrative reform is determined through its content and means: 1) gradual establishment of such a system of governance that will ensure formation of Ukraine as a lawful, civilized European state with high living standards, social stability, culture and democracy, will allow it to become a significant factor in the world and in Europe in particular; 2) the formation of the public administration system that would be close to the needs and demands of people, remain under control of the nation, be clear, effective, built on the scientific principles and the main priority of its activity would be to serve people, national interests.

The author concludes that analysis of the correlation between the forms and methods of public administration allows to state that: a) each form has a peculiar use of specific methods; b) for each form it is common to have a specific model of correlation of different methods, which is an indicator in determining the type of political regime with which we deal in each case; c) the use of certain methods is always performed not only by certain state authorities but also by public administration in general.

Author Biography

Микола Нестрович Курко, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Law Institute


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How to Cite

Курко, М. Н. (2015). Content of the public administration (theoretical and legal aspect). Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(34), 36–40.

