The legal nature of agreement of the contract on conducting of projects and searching works


  • Марина Миколаївна Великанова National Aviation University, Institute of Air and Space Law and Mass Communication



contract, contract for design and exploration work, design work, exploratory work


In the article the legal nature of agreement of the contract on conducting of projects and searching works is analysed. Through establishment of general and specific signs, the place of such agreement in the system of all agreements is defined.

Author Biography

Марина Миколаївна Великанова, National Aviation University, Institute of Air and Space Law and Mass Communication

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of Civil Law and Procedure


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How to Cite

Великанова, М. М. (2010). The legal nature of agreement of the contract on conducting of projects and searching works. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(15), 33–35.

