Agreement about the division of property of married couples which is an object of right of general compatible ownership


  • М. М. Великанова National Aviation University
  • Г. А. Горбуля National Aviation University



agreement on the division of marital property, overall joint property, object of the right of joint ownership


In the article is determined the nature of agreement about the division of property of married couples, itsform, maintenance, consequences of confession invalid. An authors comes to the conclusion that regardless to the legal fixing in the ukrainian legislation of normsin relation to the division of property of the married couples which are object of common compatible property. There are problems in relation to realization of these norms which need decision by making alteration inthe legislative acts.

Author Biographies

М. М. Великанова, National Aviation University

Candidate of Law, docent

Г. А. Горбуля, National Aviation University



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How to Cite

Великанова, М. М., & Горбуля, Г. А. (2012). Agreement about the division of property of married couples which is an object of right of general compatible ownership. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(24), 80–83.

