


Military law enforcement service, military prosecutor’s office, military justice, military criminal offenses, reforming the military justice system, administrative offenses of servicemen, investigation of criminal offenses of servicemen


The purpose of the proposed scientific research is to substantiate the reform of the Military Service of Law and Order and Military Justice with the aim of increasing the level of discipline in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the detection, disclosure, investigation and prevention of criminal and administrative offenses by servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The following research methods are used in the scientific work: general theoretical, analytical and comparative legal method. The basis of the methodology in this study is a systematic approach, with the help of which a certain object is considered as a multifaceted phenomenon consisting of various elements, the relationships between which form a relatively stable structure of activity in the field of investigation of criminal and administrative offenses committed by military personnel. The issue of investigation of criminal and administrative offenses committed by servicemen in Ukraine is considered and analyzed, especially today during the large-scale aggression of the Russian Federation, which is quite relevant.

Today, there is no uncertainty in the area of criminal punishment or administrative fines for committed offenses. However, the system of investigating administrative and criminal offenses committed by military personnel has not yet been fully developed.

Discussion: the article substantiates that the improvement of the investigation of criminal and administrative offenses committed by military personnel must be carried out quickly enough, but at the same time such reforming implies that it is necessary to define and redistribute the powers of subjects involved in the detection, termination and investigation of criminal offenses and administrative offenses of servicemen. As a result, it was concluded that the reformation of the system of detection, termination, investigation, as well as prevention of criminal and administrative offenses of military personnel involves, first of all, the creation of a complete system of military justice, that is, the formation of military courts, improvement of the work of military prosecutors, and the transfer of the powers of the State Bureau of Investigation to the Military Service law and order.

Today, the Military Law and Order Service does not have the appropriate leverage to investigate committed criminal and administrative offenses, however, in contrast to the responsibility of the State Bureau of Investigation, the military servicemen of the Military Law and Order Service serve together with all units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Employees of the State Bureau of Investigations are not military personnel and in most cases they do not know the situation that exists in the system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Yaroslav Holoborodko, Scientific Institute of Law named after Volodymyr Veliky Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

a student of higher education of the third (educational and scientific) level


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How to Cite

Holoborodko, Y. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF OFFENSES COMMITTED BY MILITARY PERSONNEL, THEIR DETECTION AND INVESTIGATION. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(71), 201–208.



Criminal Law and Criminology