lies, verbal manifestations of lies, methods, information, operational investigative activity, operational units, detection of lies, polygraphAbstract
Purpose: the article is aimed at the study and analysis of the practices of using methods of detecting verbal manifestations of lies in the process of the activities of employees of operative units. Within the framework of the article, the main types of methods, such as the use of a polygraph, control of responses to questions, voice analysis, etc., as well as their features and advantages, will be considered. The field of lie detection is constantly evolving, so it is important to take into account new technologies and scientific discoveries. Constant updating of methods allows to improve their efficiency and accuracy. Results: the importance and high potential of the use of methods for detecting verbal manifestations of lies by employees of operative units was established. The study shows the positive results of using these methods to detect lies and suspicious behavior of individuals, which is related to criminal activity. However, there is a need to continue research on the need to apply these methods in practice and improve them to detect lies and combine them with other methods. Discussion: the methods of detecting verbal manifestations of lies in the activities of operational units employees consist in the analysis of signs such as changes in voice and intonation, frequency and intensity of speech, reactions to emotional and provocative questions, etc. Nowadays, there are many methods of detecting lies based on human behavior, which is why having knowledge to detect lies in the process of operations of operatives is a valuable source for application in life and in practice. Effective lie detection often requires the use of a combination of different methods. Speech cluster analysis, polygraphy, voice analysis and other approaches complement each other and increase the accuracy of the results. It is important that operatives have a high level of expertise and training in the application of these techniques, as insufficient proficiency can lead to inaccurate or erroneous results.
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