military legislation of Ukraine, military law, systematization of military legislation of Ukraine, codification, incorporation, consolidation, adaptation of military legislation of Ukraine, legislation in the field of defenseAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the systematization of the military legislation of Ukraine, to conduct a scientific and theoretical analysis of current issues of development and ways of improving the military legislation of Ukraine during the integration of Ukraine into the pan-European and regional systems of collective security, the acquisition of membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The methodological basis of the research was made up of general scientific and specifically legal methods of cognition, with the help of which various scientific positions and doctrinal approaches to the development of ideas regarding the understanding of the concept and essence of the systematization of military legislation of Ukraine, as well as its place and significance in the legal sphere, were analyzed. One of the main methods used is the dialectical method of cognition, which made it possible to establish and single out the main characteristics of the military legislation of Ukraine as a researched phenomenon. Thanks to the historical method, the prerequisites, stages of the formation and further development of the military legislation of Ukraine were investigated in view of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine into the pan-European system of collective security. Results: development of theoretical provisions and practical proposals, on the basis of which the further process of revision and systematization of the military legislation of Ukraine will take place with the aim of its further adaptation to the legislation of the member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union. In the conditions of the open armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, there have been fundamental changes in the determination of priorities and the setting of relevant tasks that determine and regulate social relations in the field of defense, which requires fundamentally new approaches to the formation of military legislation of Ukraine and the search for alternative ways of its improvement. Achieving a positive result is possible on the basis of a thorough analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the military legislation of Ukraine, the study of topical issues for its improvement in the process of implementing various types of its systematization, as well as taking into account the international legal experience of improving the military legislation. Discussion: at this point, there is a need to discuss urgent issues regarding the need to improve the military legislation of Ukraine with the application of the principle of systematicity, taking into account the positive experience and legislation of the United States of America (the Code of Military Justice, approved by the Congress of the United States of America in 1950), member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European of the Union.
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