



financing of courts, support of judges, financial control, material support of judges, standard of financial support of judges


The purpose: to study the current state of financing of the judicial corps and to express a position regarding the legislative regulation of certain activities. Results: the concept of "standards of financial support", "standards of financial support of judges", "standards of material and technical support of courts", as well as the content of standards of material and technical support of courts with means of informatization and licensed software were studied. It was determined that when forming the "normatives for the financial support of courts for the current year in terms of jurisdictions", the indicators of the consideration of a model case for the last 3 years should be used. Deficiencies in the legal regulation of modern financial control practices have been identified. Discussion: in modern scientific developments in the field of public administration, the topic of financing and material support is developed in a sufficiently diverse manner. There is a lack of research on the material and financial support of the judicial corps.

Statement of the problem and its relevance. At the current stage of the administration of justice and ensuring that the state respects the constitutional rights of citizens, an important component is the material and financial support of judges, in particular, and the justice system, in general. Moreover, the current methods of determining the financial support of courts are partially such that they do not correspond to modern methods of determining the financial security of state institutions in the conditions of European integration. This study will be able to bring scientific opinion closer to the solution of urgent issues of the development of Ukrainian legislation in the matter of material and financial support of courts.

Author Biography

Iryna Ustynova, National Aviation University

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, head of the department of constitutional and administrative law


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How to Cite

Ustynova, I. (2023). CERTAIN ISSUES OF FINANCING JUDGES. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(66), 91–96. https://doi.org/10.18372/2307-9061.66.17422

