


information protection, information security, civil aviation, cyber threat, compliance


The article is aimed to characterize the new profession in the aviation sector, namely the personal data protection officer. Currently, the National Aviation University is a pioneer in teaching the course «Prevention of Criminal Offenses in the Field of Computer Aviation Security», designed primarily for the second master’s degree in higher education, specialty 262 «Law Enforcement». Methods of research: cognitive-analytical, system analysis, etc. At present, the vast majority of aviation businesses face many challenges in the field of data security. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the security of personal data, because the airline can process tens of millions of records of passengers during the day. Aircraft, crews and passengers on board should also be under cyber protection. Leaks or cyberattacks can have serious consequences. Therefore, at the present stage, the issue of cybersecurity of civil aviation has ceased to be the subject of attention only of IT professionals. Discussion: many airlines need to introduce the position of Data Protection Officer (DPO), the main purpose of which was to ensure the implementation of regulatory and organizational support of business processes related to the processing and protection of personal data. The purpose of this work is to analyze the main tasks facing the Data Protection Officer in the field of aviation and proposals to address these issues during the training of this specialist in the specialty 262 «Law Enforcement». The methodological basis of the study is the classical method of system-structural analysis. Results: the article concludes that the position of personal data protection officer belongs to the category of compliance specialists, and the main purpose of which was to ensure the implementation of functions of regulatory and organizational support of business processes related to the processing and protection of personal data. His or her work in airlines is characterized by complete independence from the executive body of the company - the decisions of the officer concerning the processing and protection of data have no right to influence any of the employees, including management. An officer may not be dismissed for decisions taken within his or her competence. The basic knowledge required to perform his/her production functions by a personal data protection officer is a thorough knowledge of international and international, in particular European, laws on personal data protection and the practice of their application.

Author Biography

Sofiia Lykhova, National Aviation University

doctor of legal sciences, professor, head of the department of criminal law and procedure


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How to Cite

Lykhova, S. (2022). COMPUTER SAFETY OF AVIATION. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(65), 24–29.

