advocacy campaign, criminal law, factors of criminalization, legal education, public opinionAbstract
The purpose of this article is to develop theoretical and practical foundations for advocacy campaign in the field of criminal law as part of legal education and as a factor in the protection function of criminal law in Ukraine. Methods: general and special scientific (special) were used to achieve a certain goal. The use of these methods allowed to outline the problems of development of a modern university of legal education and science, the prospects of their development, taking into account world experience. Results: the issues of legal education of citizen and the protective function of criminal law are closely related, as public opinion is one of the factors of criminalization. The most important way of legal education of the public today is to inform the public about current issues by involving the media. That is, from the point of view of the effectiveness of the protection function of criminal law and ensuring the real effect of criminal law prohibitions, it is important to have a broad educational activity on the proposed changes. Including before the adoption of new provisions of the Criminal Code. Regarding the participation of lawyers in advocacy campaigns as part of the legal education of the population, this activity differs sharply from conducting classes in educational institutions due to a number of factors. Among such factors are the following: the audience is not prepared and there is a very different level of understanding of the issue, each speech of the expert is systemic, and it must be implemented as the purpose and objectives of the speech, relatively new in this case for lawyers is the preparation of press releases. information reports, etc., on a regular basis which also contribute to a better understanding of ordinary citizens of the development of certain legal phenomena. The response of an expert to false / false / unprofessional / compromising / offensive messages in the media and other forms of debunking myths in the field of criminal law among the public can also be considered a novelty.
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