state regulation, economic activity, business entities, institutional influenceAbstract
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive legal analysis of the existing system of state regulation of economic activity, determining the degree of influence of institutional levers on the state of economic activity. Research methods: in the course of work the basic scientific methods of the system analysis, formal logic and a method of classifications are used. The method of systematic analysis was used accordingly to determine the current state of legislation in the field of state regulation of the economy. The method of formal logic allowed to determine scientific views on the categories of economics and state regulation of scholars in the field of law. The method of classifications allowed to identify ways to further improve the institutional methods of influencing the state of the economy by the state. Results: the study of institutional impact on the state of the economy allows to identify ways and methods to minimize the impact of negative factors and risks of the economic environment on the state. The results of the study presented in this scientific article allow us to identify further steps in the study of the relationship between the state and legal entities. Discussion: the problems of institutional regulation of the economy are applied from the standpoint of the development of the law of the modern state.
The state uses various means and mechanisms for regulating economic activity to implement economic policy, implement targeted economic and other programs and programs of economic and social development.
As a general rule, state regulation of economic activity is disclosed through a set of tools, mechanisms, means of state influence on the organization, implementation and termination of relations in the field of management. State regulation of economic activity is closely related to state regulation of economic and social spheres. Given the nature and importance of such regulation, recognizing its imperfection, the state adopts various programs and concepts to improve the influence of the state.
Under the means of state regulation of economic activity it is expedient to understand the economic, organizational and legal instruments (tools) of regulatory influence of the state represented by the authorized bodies on the activity of economic entities.
Under the economic and legal means of state regulation should be understood as the means of state influence on the sphere of entrepreneurship in order to create or ensure the conditions of their activities in accordance with the adopted national economic policy. The economic and legal means of state regulation of the economy include, first of all, legal direct and indirect means. The peculiarity of direct means of state influence on the economic sphere is that they are characterized by direct government regulators to force the business entity to act in a certain way in the economic environment. Indirect funds are those regulators of the economic environment that stimulate efficient management and add economic benefits
It should be noted that the system of state regulation of entrepreneurship in the modern economy of Ukraine has certain features due to the existing imperfect concept of state regulation of the economy, the presence of distortions in relations between the state and the business sector and the formality of declared measures to support entrepreneurial activity.
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