cyberthreat, information security, cyberspace, cybersecurity, cyberattackAbstract
Over the past decades, Ukrainian society has gone through a period of complete transformation and has become what is now commonly called the information society. Indeed, we produce, use, accumulate information, process it intending to further convert the obtained data into a qualitatively new product – knowledge. Today, the role of information technologies and information itself in the life of society is not just great, it is tremendous because we not only consume data but also produce appropriate information products and services from them, thereby ensuring the development of the country’s economy.
The global information space as an environment for the virtual «residence» of a large number of people around the world has given us a lot, while simultaneously becoming an object of constant risks and various cyber threats. This can significantly destabilize the work of not only individuals but also social groups, as well as the entire state as a whole if the integrity of such a category as information security is violated. The latter, in turn, is an important element of national security. That is why counteraction against possible and real cyber threats, as well as curbing potential risks in this area, has today become a priority task both for individual organizations and for the state as a whole. And it is possible to ensure this, first of all, by legal methods and instruments, which are discussed in this study.
Purpose: to study the features and essence of cyber threats and provide recommendations on the legal support of cyber security at the enterprise and in the state as a whole. Research methods: the research was carried out using generally recognized methods of scientific knowledge, such as analytical, formal, comparative-legal, systemic and structural, and others. The results: the concept, essence, characteristics of cyber threats and their corresponding categories were outlined, the problems of ensuring counteraction to them were pointed out, suggestions to overcome such problems by improving the current legislation and its harmonization with the standards adopted in the EU countries were provided. Discussion: the discussion in the scientific study is about the peculiarities of the legal regulation of threats and risks arising from the interaction of subjects in cyberspace.
Cyberspace. NIST Information Technology Laboratory. 2019. URL: https://csrc. glossary/term/cyberspace.
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