
  • Oleksii Sliusar National Aviation University



collective investment institutions, functioning, shareholders, investors


Purpose: general research and analysis of the problems of collective investment institutions in Ukraine and ways to overcome them. According to the set goal, the objectives of this study are: 1) to find out what collective investment institutions is and analyze the problems in determining them; 2) to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of collective investment institutions as financial intermediaries; 3) identify problems of collective investment institutions in Ukraine and ways to solve them. Research methods: the methodological basis of the research consists of methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, comparison), general scientific methods, formal-logical method of interpretation of law and comparative legal method. The components of the methodological base are objectivity and a combination of critical and rational, constructive approaches. Results: it is determined that the improvement of the organization of the system of state financial control should be ensured by the activities of all organizations that are part of the structure of state control at the level of various branches of government. It is established that financial control in Ukraine is a complex institution in the system of public administration, which provides public administration and statehood. It is proposed to consider the current state of public finances in need of strengthening control over the spending of budget funds by central executive bodies and local governments, combating violations of budget legislation. Shortcomings in the legal regulation of modern financial control practices have been identified. This research analyzes important issues related to the functioning of collective investment institutions in Ukraine. Considered as problems in determining collective investment institutions. Discussion: at the present stage of development of Ukraine’s economy, the problem of finding and accumulating domestic sources of financing investments in the real sector is acute. For the most part, this task is solved in the most traditional way through the accumulation of resources in the banking system and directing them to lending to businesses. However, due to the lack of liquidity in the banking sector and the high cost of credit resources, not all businesses are able to obtain financing. Having a long history of operation, investment funds today are in serious competition with banks. These funds are one of the most powerful investors who are able to accumulate funds of the population and other small investors, to transform them into investment resources. The main purpose of collective investment institutions is to provide financial services for the placement of capital of individual investors, mainly by investing it in securities. From the point of view of investors, the advantages of collective investment institutions are potentially high profitability, compared to traditional alternative investment areas, less time spent on investment management, their diversification, the ability to quickly withdraw funds.

Author Biography

Oleksii Sliusar, National Aviation University

applicant for higher education of the third (educational and scientific) level


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How to Cite

Sliusar, O. (2021). MODERN ISSUES OF REGULATORY REGULATION OF COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT INSTITUTIONS. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(61), 96–104.

