democratic civilian control, international, security and defense sector, internal security services, state security, inadmissibility, information policy, civil control systemAbstract
Purpose: to carry out a comparative legal analysis of international regulations and recommendations of the European Union with national legislation in the field of democratic control of the security and defense sector, to define the basic principles of approximation of national legislation to the standards of the European Union, to analyze the system of civil control and its constituent elements. Research methods: the basis of the study consists of general methods of scientific knowledge: comparison, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, historical and structural methods. Results: made the comparative analysis of international regulations and recommendations of the European Union with national legislation in the field of democratic control of the security and defense sector, highlighted the most pressing issues of security control reform, defined the most perspective methods of achieving the goal through the implementation of constitutional and legal principles, guarantees of power and restrictions imposed on the bodies of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. Discussion: democratic control of the security and defense sector; observance of fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms; national and international practice, the role of information policy as a component of state security.
After analyzing the main regulations of Ukraine and the legislation of the European Union, the authors concluded that control should be effective. This requires: first, guaranteeing by the constitution the absolute power of civilian bodies in the areas of: decision-making on war and peace; management and control of the military, police, intelligence and other security sector organizations; strengthening the relevant organizational structures of the bodies responsible for the security environment in Ukraine; secondly, this civilian democratic control must also have its limitations, in order to be able to achieve the goals entrusted to the authorities with authority in the security and defense sector of Ukraine; third, the effectiveness of democratic control must be ensured by state political structures on a constitutional and legal basis. All these links must act simultaneously in order to achieve the desired result.
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