


civil society, educational institutions, higher legal education


Purpose: to investigate the main factors of influence of legal higher education institutions on the formation and development of civil society in Ukraine and the world. Methods: comparison, analysis, induction, deduction, cognitive-analytical and other means. Results: the requirements for providing quality legal education, which is a necessary condition for the development of basic civil society institutions, are summarized. The practical and theoretical significance of legal higher education institutions for the development of civil society is substantiated. Discussion: taking into account historical, political and other factors in the countries of the world, the dynamic processes of civil society development have been formed and are developing according to different indicators and conditions. However, society around the world is faced with the only need to rethink the role and essence of civil society. At present, the role of law is becoming increasingly important for regulating the relationship between civil society and state influence. The practical and functional foundations for the support and development of civil society are provided, in particular, through the achievement of the mission of higher education law schools.

Given the complex dynamic process of formation and development of civil society and its components, it is necessary to continue the work started by leading scholars in law and other social sciences on the contribution of modern higher education institutions, in particular, law, in the development of civil society.

Universities play an important role as leaders in teaching and education, in education, research and technology. In educational activities, universities, in particular, law, provide training for work at a high level, as well as education necessary for personal development, to establish the basic legal principles, ideas and understanding of state and legal processes. The role of legal education institutions is very important for all sectors from a social and legal point of view.

Ensuring quality legal education is a necessary condition for the development of basic civil society institutions. The need for such education is felt not only in developing and underdeveloped countries, but also in developed countries, which consider it necessary to evaluate and revise curricula and methods of legal courses in order to update them to meet new challenges and needs of society. Such a need in Ukraine is much greater not only because of its status as a developing country, but also because of rapid economic change. Thus, legal schools are considered subjects of civil society, which establishes strategic plans for the development of society globally and locally, as well as practices, play an important role in shaping an important process to achieve their success in the long run.

Author Biography

Kateryna Vodolaskova, National Aviation University

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of Theory and History of State and Law


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Anheier Helmut K., Lang Markus, Toepler Stefan (2019). Civil society in times of change: Shrinking, changing and expanding spaces and the need for new regulatory approaches, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, ISSN 1864-6042, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Kiel, Vol. 13, Iss. 2019-8, pp. 1-27. DOI:

Blessinger Patrick, Sengupta Enakshi, Mahoney Craig. Towards higher education for a better civil society (2019). University World News. DOI:

Diamond Larry. Rethinking Civil Society: Toward Democratic Consolidation. Journal of Democracy. Volume 5. Number 3. July 1994. Pp. 4-17 (Article). Published by Johns Hopkins University Press. DOI:

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How to Cite

Vodolaskova, K. (2021). THE ROLE OF LAW HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS FOR THE CIVIL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(60), 202–210.

