


artificial intelligence, status of artificial intelligence, legal personality of artificial intelligence, protection of personal data, intellectual property, legal regulation


Object: to explore the features of the legal regulation of relations related to artificial intelligence in Ukraine. Research methods: the research was conducted using a system of general and special-scientific methods of cognition, which provide an objective analysis of the subject. When studying this aspect, it is important to be objective, value-based and structural-systemic approaches, as well as the use of logical methods, including analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization. Results: the main features of the introduction of artificial intelligence in the legislation of Ukraine are identified. Discussion: the concept of artificial intelligence in the legal field, clarifying the role and essence of its regulation, finding prospects for further development of artificial intelligence technologies in Ukraine, the experience of EU countries in implementing the legal framework for the regulation of artificial intelligence.

It is established that the process of formation of legal regulation of the field of development and use of artificial intelligence in developed countries is still ongoing. Given the rapid development of new technologies, the European community has begun to set standards in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence. The risks of using artificial intelligence, the processes of competitive competition between countries in scientific and technical activities and the emergence of domestic companies that use artificial intelligence, determine the relevance of the legislative consolidation of the field of artificial intelligence in Ukraine.

Legal regulation and development of the use of artificial intelligence in Ukraine should contribute to the protection of human rights and freedoms, ensuring the rule of law and stability of public relations. In addition, the improvement of legislation on personal data protection remains relevant. The need to give artificial intelligence the status of a subject of law and to determine the legal responsibility of such a subject has been identified.

Author Biographies

Kseniia Tokarieva, National Aviation University

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law

Nataliia Savliva, National Aviation University

applicant for higher education of the first (bachelor's) level


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How to Cite

Tokarieva, K., & Savliva, N. (2021). PECULIARITIES OF LEGAL REGULATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN UKRAINE. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(60), 148–153.

