
  • Oleksandr Veres National Aviation University



intellectual property, trademark, patent, brand, unfair competition, legal protection of intellectual property rights, judicial protection of intellectual property rights


Objective: to identify and show the forms of unfair competition, its negative consequences for trademark owners, to identify areas of counteraction and comprehensive measures to protect against unfair competition, to disclose their content, to describe administrative and legal measures to protect against trademark infringement. Methods: based on methods of documentary research, study of methods of legal regulation of trademarks. Results: conducting various types of legal discussions contributes to the development of scientific research, identifying gaps in legislation and outlining new areas of legal reform in Ukraine. A significant role in these processes belongs to the legal community, which must unite in its desire and efforts to protect legal values and the rule of law in the state. Discussion: analyzing different types of scientific discussions, it is worth paying attention to the need to specify the topics and narrow the topics of discussion for more detailed and professional development of proposals to improve the quality of national legislation.

The author of the study concludes that unfair competition using brand clones as a culture of «borrowing» successful brands from lesser-known and less successful unfair competitors is becoming a very profitable form of doing business in many countries, regardless of continent. Most often, copy or imitate the name of a well-known brand, packaging design, the shape of the product, which is in mass demand among consumers. Imperfect legislation in some countries makes clone firms almost unpunished. At the same time, in developed countries, where the legislation on trademark protection is more advanced, cases of clone products and trademark infringement are also quite common. The most successful measures of struggle are preventive actions. The trademark owner must think in advance about the originality of his trademark, take action on the legal registration of the trademark, register similar trademarks (similar in sound or visualization). The trademark owner must conduct an advertising campaign for his trademark, taking into account the risk of turning the brand into a generic name. In cases where all the measures taken did not allow to avoid problems related to the appearance of the facts of illegal use of the trademark, a more effective means of protection of rights will be to go to court and the AMC. As the practice and analysis of such issues show, the consideration of cases of unfair competition in the bodies of the Antimonopoly Committee and the courts of various instances has a very long prospects, although it requires significant financial, time and intellectual costs.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Veres, National Aviation University

graduate student


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How to Cite

Veres, O. (2021). TRADEMARK MANAGEMENT: COMBATING UNFAIR COMPETITION. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(60), 134–140.

