
  • Anastasiia Vynogradova National Aviation University



court, court apparatus, the judiciary, staffing, employees, justice, European integration, international experience, personnel management


Purpose: research on the issue of staffing the courts of Ukraine in the context of judicial reform in the light of European integration and international experience. Methods: to achieve a specific goal, methods of documentary analysis and synthesis were used; comparisons generalization and abstraction; cognitive-analytical method; systems approach. Results: the procedure of staffing the courts of Ukraine in the context of judicial reform is studied, the European experience of personnel management is analyzed and some proposals are made on ways to improve personnel planning in the judicial system. Discussion: international standards in the sphere of justice don’t define the general requirements for the staffing system of courts, but directly relate to specific issues of formation and functioning of the court staff and the judiciary. In the context of European integration, bringing the judiciary to the best international standards of a democratic, legal, social state in modern political conditions and conditions of transformation of Ukrainian society becomes extremely important.

Today, in the context of long-term judicial reform in the judicial system of Ukraine, there is an acute shortage of judges, which has an extremely negative impact on the quality of justice and compliance with deadlines, while the workload on the courts is growing disproportionately. In order to relieve judges, the example of the countries of Germany and Austria regarding the partial exercise of the powers of Judge Rechtspfleger is considered appropriate. Taking into account the experience of foreign countries, it should be noted the need to develop such an institution of judicial administration at the national level both within the law and in the conduct of research.

Problems of personnel policy in the current state of development of the judicial system of our country need to be addressed immediately in order to strengthen the organizational unity of the judiciary, ensure the proper administration of justice and increase public confidence. Thus, updating the staffing system of the judiciary, establishing high requirements for the professional qualities of judges and persons providing staffing and organization of courts, as well as bringing the judiciary to the best international standards of a democratic, legal, social state in modern political and transformation conditions. Ukrainian society in the direction of building a European democratic state is of exceptional importance.

Author Biography

Anastasiia Vynogradova, National Aviation University

graduate student


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How to Cite

Vynogradova, A. (2021). INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS IN THE FIELD OF APPROPRIATE HUMAN RESOURCES. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(60), 63–70.

