space suborbital flight, legal regime of air and space international navigation, space tourismAbstract
Purpose: the purpose of the scientific article is to reveal the main problems associated with the legal regulation of suborbital space. Attention is paid to the problem of suborbital flight organization and the legal regime of air and space international navigation. Methods: to achieve a certain goal were used general and special scientific (special) methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, concretization, generalization, etc. Results: it is important to consolidate the international legal treaty on the delimitation of air, space and suborbital spaces, which will contribute, in particular, to the progressive development of international space law, as well as to ensure proper international space law. Space borders are as untouchable as land and sea borders. Each state gains the right to defend its air space from the illegal irruption of the other countries’ aircrafts. The issue of the delimitation of borders between the air space (sovereign and international) and cosmic space is discussed in the UN Organizations committee. Discussion: today the issue of regulating the provisions of international law, which would legalize the existence and separation of space tourists from astronauts, define them as space tourists, regulate the legal status and general features of the legal regime of their activities.
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