


self-employed person, employee, labor relations, economic dependence of self-employed persons, legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries


Purpose: compare national approaches to determining the legal status of self-employed persons in the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries. Methods: documentary analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, objective truth, cognitive-analytical, etc. Results: established that self-employment is a phenomenon which is not thoroughly studied, not fully worked out, have not created a clear rod, which would have built the structure of this concept stated different approaches to the legal status of self-employed in the legislation of different countries. Discussion: identified the urgent need for legislative legislation to maintain and develop the sphere of self-employment of the population of Ukraine and unambiguous and complete definition of the legal status of self-employed persons in the legislation of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Ganna Bagirova, National Aviation University

graduate student of the Faculty of Law


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How to Cite

Bagirova, G. (2021). NATIONAL APPROACHES OF DETERMINING THE LEGAL STATUS OF SELF-EMPLOYED PERSONS UNDER THE LEGISLATION OF UKRAINE AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(59), 116–121.

