
  • Євгенія Андріївна Кузнєцова Національна академія внутрішніх справ



stock exchange, Stock Exchange, exchange activity, Stock Market, regulation of stock exchanges


Purpose: to study the organizational and economic aspects of stock exchanges in economically developed European countries and the regulatory impact of the legislation of these countries on the formation of modern trade relations, identifying practices and patterns that can be borrowed to improve the efficiency of exchange in Ukraine. Methods: methods of documentary analysis and synthesis were used; comparison; generalizations and abstractions; cognitive-analytical method; system approach. Results: the world models of the organization of the financial market are defined, their short characteristic is given. Discussion: the experience of organizing stock exchanges in the USA, Germany, France and Poland is analyzed. The main characteristics of the development of exchange trade in these countries, namely: the structure of state regulators, the activities of self-regulatory organizations, depository and clearing system, the system of crediting mutual claims and obligations, the importance and structure of professional participants. It is further noted that European stock exchanges tend to combine both management and resource potentials, and the regulation of their activities is characterized by a certain unification of European legislation and its liberalization, which is expressed in the gradual granting of stock market entities an increasing amount of self-regulatory powers and self-control. This approach has a generally positive impact on the growth of EU stock exchanges, increasing the level of quotations of their indices on the international stock market, maintaining the credibility as of reliable and safe sources of investment.

Analysis of the world experience of stock exchange organization on the example of the USA, Germany, France and Poland allows us to state that each country has its own way of developing the stock market. What all countries have in common is that the principle of the prevalence of national legislation, which takes into account the national characteristics of the country’s population, is the basis for improving the efficiency of their stock exchanges. A common integral part of successful stock trading in all countries is the right choice of economic growth strategy and strict adherence to this strategy. That is why the current state of development of stock exchanges in Ukraine requires, first of all, a single national program of economic growth. This program should take into account the experience of other countries, but the national interest should remain a priority.

Author Biography

Євгенія Андріївна Кузнєцова, Національна академія внутрішніх справ

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How to Cite

Кузнєцова, Є. А. (2020). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF FINANCIAL AND LEGAL REGULATION OF ACTIVITIES OF PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS IN THE SECURITIES MARKET. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(56), 89–95.

