special period, Armed Forces of Ukraine, mobilization, martial law, law, military serviceAbstract
The aim of the article: is to develop a single content of the term «special period» in Ukraine based on analysis of its components and validity period. Research methodology: the basis of the methodological base of study composed of dialectical method, analysis and synthesis method and comparative method, with the help of them the special period is clarified as a specific legal regime, the beginning and the end, its components, and also a comparing of terms «special period» was conducted, which embodied in the different Ukrainian legal acts. The study is an attempt to characterize a foreign experience of a legal regulation a special period. Summary of the research: the special period as a specific legal regime determines: 1) features of a legal status: citizens, government agency, local government, business, institutions; 2) governs the organization of Military of Ukraine activity; 3) covers the period of mobilization, military situation, wartime, partly recovery period. Discussion of the results: discussion of the problem of a special period consists in definition a legal regulation of partly recovery period and an order in introduction of war as its components.
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