digital state, digital transformation, the app «Action», e-governance, digital skills, electronic government servicesAbstract
Purpose: to explore the tools of transformation of Ukraine into a digital state and their legal support. Methods: general scientific, comparative analysis, cognitive-analytical, formal-legal, system-structural and others. Results: the author concludes that the implementation of the Digital State project requires both new doctrinal studies in this area and changes in national legislation. It is also impossible without ensuring the development of digital skills in citizens, which will be the key to the realization of their digital rights. Discussion: the digital state project implementation tools are described and the need for developing legislative and institutional support for digital transformation in Ukraine, including enhancing citizens’ digital skills and competencies, is substantiated.
The article explores tools for transforming Ukraine into a digital state, including e-government, cybersecurity, e-democracy, e-business, e-court, e-health, e-education, e-transport, smart cities, digital skills, the ubiquitous Internet. It is emphasized that in order to implement all digitization initiatives within the Digital State project, it is necessary to ensure a basic level of citizenship in digital skills, which is why the Ministry of Digital Transformation should goal at increasing the level of digital literacy of Ukrainians. It has been found that two important tasks are needed to transform Ukraine into a digital state - the institutional and legislative support for this process. The article proposes separate ways of solving outlined problems.
In order to ensure the development of digital literacy, in our opinion, it is necessary: first, to develop a comprehensive national strategy in the field of digital skills and competences in Ukraine, involving representatives of all interested stakeholders in the relevant fields in its development. Secondly, it is worth initiating the creation of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition in Ukraine on the basis of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition in the European Union. In the near future the Government should start a discourse on the creation of appropriate structures. Third, to develop a list of digital skills and competences for target audiences of specific industries in Ukraine based on the Digital Competence 2.1 framework. Fourth, to develop a comprehensive methodology for conducting research into the digital skills and competences development in Ukraine.
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