
  • Вікторія Вікторівна Сидоренко Білоцерківський інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти Національної академії педгогічних наук України



education, legal education, lawyer, the student environment, university space, reform


Annotation on the collective monograph as generally edited by Sopilko I.M., Dey M.O. «Contemporary Challenges in Legal Education in the University Space».

The reviewer points out that the monograph examines the important issues of legal education as the main lever of Ukraine's education system and the priority direction of the state's personnel policy. This is objectively conditioned by its social role and the task of forming a qualified legal corps, which is a condition for ensuring the progressive development of Ukrainian statehood, building civil society, promoting human rights and freedoms, creating a socially oriented and competitive market economy.

The urgency of the monograph is due to the fact that in the conditions of globalization and liberalization, the interdependence of the countries of the world is enhanced and a gradual process of market integration is carried out. New conditions are causing a dramatic increase in the role of education and science in society. From now on, they are the basis and at the same time the main driving force of progress. Only those nations that have realized the full significance of these profound changes in time and responded to new challenges are likely to succeed.

The focus on EU law and international law becomes a significant factor in the development of legislation in other countries, including Ukraine. Against this background, democratic change requires the harmonious development of the economic, political and legal systems. In this regard, the problems of restructuring the existing system of training of lawyers armed with modern knowledge, culture, high level of civic and social consciousness became urgent.

This monograph is a fundamental scientific work, in the writing of which the co-authors proceeded from the concept of determining the role of education, culture and educational activity in the student environment. The issues of teaching methods teaching in the higher education system are studied separately.

The reviewer concludes that the material presented in this paper will be useful for scientists, teachers, graduate students, students, practitioners, as well as employees of small and medium-sized businesses, business entities of all levels.

Author Biography

Вікторія Вікторівна Сидоренко, Білоцерківський інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти Національної академії педгогічних наук України

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, директор


Сучасні виклики юридичної освіти в університетському просторі: монографія / І.М. Сопілко, М.О. Дей та ін. – Тернопіль: Вектор, 2018. – 334 с.

Suchasni vyklyky jurydychnoi' osvity v universytets'komu prostori: monografija / I.M. Sopilko, M.O. Dej ta in. – Ternopil': Vektor, 2018. – 334 s.



How to Cite

Сидоренко, В. В. (2019). CURRENT CHALLENGES OF LEGAL EDUCATION IN THE UNIVERSITY. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(53), 189–190.

