globalization, innovative development of society, innovations, informatization, pluralism of law, legal consciousnessAbstract
Purpose: the purpose of the article is to study the essence of innovative development of society in the aspect of its informatization and modern tendencies of development of the legal system of Ukraine under the conditions of globalization. Methods: the methodological basis of the research consists of the general scientific methods of cognition, subject scientific knowledge and interdisciplinary approach, which helped to analyze the basic scientific concepts of legal consciousness, clarify their importance in the process of legal regulation of innovation and information relations and reveal objective patterns of society transformation. Results: the scientific study identified the content of the innovative development of society in the legal consciousness and characterized the relations connected to the innovative development of society as a complex and important social institution, which includes different spheres of human activity, interests of an individual, society and the state, as well as has specific open legal problems, the solution of which must occur through theoretical and legal understanding of the consistent patterns of social change and modernization of innovative legislation. Discussion: the dynamics of the development of social relations necessitates the further scientific understanding of law as a multifaceted and multidimensional phenomenon, addressed to an individual, interests and needs of a person, taking into account the methodological synthesis of various methods of scientific cognition and the use of philosophical approaches in order to better understand and interpret the legal reality of innovative society.
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