
  • Дмитро Олександрович Беззубов Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій



investment, investment activity, investment risk, law, economy, system, technique, models


Aim: to define legal models of the specific features of investment security as an integral part of economic activity. To propose effective mechanisms for raising the level of investment security of business entities. To suggest author's models for the operation of investment security. Methods: the study was conducted using classical methods of scientific knowledge. Using the method of analysis, the system elements of investment security are disclosed. With the help of the synthesis method, variants of the development of events and the theory of probabilities of investment security are considered. Results: according to the results of the study, the types of investment security management by the sectors of operation were determined. Identified and disclosed components of investment security as an element of investment activity.

Investment activity is an important aspect of the development of any state, because the solution of many economic and social issues is impossible without the development of investment activity. Investments in modern conditions are the most important means of ensuring the conditions for exit from the economic crisis, structural changes in the national economy, the growth of technical progress, the improvement of qualitative indicators of economic activity at macro levels and macro levels. Activation of the investment process is one of the more reliable mechanisms of socio-economic transformation.

The formation of a favorable investment climate is a prerequisite for intensifying investment activity. According to the recent Doing Business-2014 rating by the World Bank, Ukraine ranked 112th out of 189 of the world's most respected economies. The effects of the global financial crisis have greatly reduced domestic sources of investment and international financial investment.

One of the most important tools of state support for investment and an instrument for implementing the state's investment policy is the proper regulation of investment activity and the creation of attractive conditions for investors through the legal regulation of investment activity.

In the investment law, the key concept is the concept of investment and investment activity. It is worth noting that in the works of domestic and foreign scientists in relation to investment research, unity of thoughts regarding the interpretation of the concept of "investment activity" was not achieved.

The question and problem of investment security as a category of law lies in two main areas: the first plane is investment and investment activity from the standpoint of the economy and the corresponding approach to the economic calculation of investment risks and the second plane - the legal regulation of protecting investors from external negative influences by legal mechanisms.

In accordance with international financial reporting standards, an investment activity is understood to mean activities related to the acquisition and sale of non-current assets, as well as the implementation of financial investments that are not part of the cash equivalents.

Author Biography

Дмитро Олександрович Беззубов, Державний університет інфраструктури та технологій

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How to Cite

Беззубов, Д. О. (2019). INVESTMENT SECURITY: BUSINESS LAW. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(51), 125–131.



Commercial Law