foreign element, conflicts, family relationsAbstract
Purpose: the article deals with the problem of conflict regulation of family legal relations at the international level, which is conditioned by various religious, national, socio-economic and everyday features that play a significant role in the formation of acts of national legislation, in particular family law. Methods of research: used methods of analysis, comparison and synthesis. Results: a series of measures to resolve the conflict conflict between family law is proposed.
The rapid pace to European integration, the signing of the visa waiver agreement with Ukraine on the 17th of May 2017, has led to a rapid increase of the number of foreign citizens on the territory of Ukraine, in particular, the increasing of the number of families with different nationalities. The military conflict, the economic crisis in Ukraine has forced many young Ukrainians to go abroad in a search of a better life and work. That is why, as a consequence, cases of creation of a family with persons of different nationality, both in the territory of our state, both, and abroad became more frequent. The urgency of this problem in modern life, adds also the fact that the cases of the presence of foreign influence on the private life of Ukrainians increases, and the legislative regulatory framework is practically unchanged. In addition, an important way to solve this problem is to correct the regulation of international law timely, in relation to all institutions of public administration.
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