
  • Світлана Василівна Вишновецька Національний авіаційний університет
  • Руслан Ігорович Кролевець Національний авіаційний університет




labor contract, labor relations, dismissal of the head of a legal entity, disciplinary punishment


Goal: identification of the features of termination of labor relations with the heads of legal entities, investigation of the grounds for dismissal of the head, as well as an analysis of the main issues of termination of labor relations in theory and in practice, as an example of the leaders of business associations. Methods of research: in the work used general scientific and special methods: formal logic, comparative law, hermeneutic, special-legal. Results: approaches to the understanding of labor relations with the head of a legal entity are analyzed, their features and their problems are identified. Discussion: ways of legislative improvement of dismissal of heads of legal entities.

The head of a legal entity is a special link. Due to his responsible position and material importance in the company, the procedure for his release is somewhat different from the procedure for the release of other categories of employees. First of all, this is manifested in the increased number of reasons why a head may be dismissed.

Since the grounds for termination of labor relations are formulated by the legislator vaguely, they can be interpreted "on their own accord". As a result, there is a plane for abuse by the owners of the legal entity. Thus, the head of a business community is in fact dependent on the will of the members of the partnership. But the general legal principle of prevention of abuse of the law, as well as the prevention of discrimination in the workplace, are fully applicable to the field of labor relations with the head of the organization, defining the limits of authority of the owner.

The facts of unwarranted termination of labor relations are confirmed by numerous jurisprudence. Although the legislator has increased the amount of outgoing assistance at the dismissal of the head, this did not significantly improve the position of managers. Consequently, the only guarantee of the manager is a well-formed and agreed contract with the company.

The foregoing indicates imperfect regulatory regulation of the issue both at the level of law, and at the level of the statute and other internal documents of the enterprise.

Author Biographies

Світлана Василівна Вишновецька, Національний авіаційний університет

завідувач кафедри цивільного права і процесу

Руслан Ігорович Кролевець, Національний авіаційний університет

студент Навчально-наукового юридичного інституту


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How to Cite

Вишновецька, С. В., & Кролевець, Р. І. (2018). FEATURES OF TERMINATION OF LABOR RELATIONS WITH LEADERSHIP MANAGERS. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(49), 124–131. https://doi.org/10.18372/2307-9061.49.13402

