
  • Ганна Миколаївна Проскура Національний авіаційний університет



environmental information, environmental protection, Aarhus Convention, wetlands


Purpose: the article reveals the issue of development of information support for the conservation of wetlands. The international and national legislation on the development of information support for the conservation of wetlands is analyzed. Methods of research: the list of normative legal acts and international agreements in this field is determined. The methodological basis of the research comprise general scientific methods of scientific knowledge, such as integrated and interdisciplinary. Results: the main directions of the further development of information support for the conservation of wetlands are determined. It is concluded that the formation and further implementation of the development of information provision for the conservation of wetlands is a complex and urgent task. Discussion: problems of national and international legislation and implementation of norms of foreign legislation to the norms of domestic legislation in the field of development of information provision for the conservation of wetlands.

It is concluded that the formation and further implementation of the development of information provision for the conservation of wetlands is a complex and urgent task.

The legal status of wetlands in Ukraine today is not sufficiently researched. The regulation of relations regarding the protection, use, ownership of wetlands is regulated according to the category of territory they are located. For many centuries, the socio-negative environmental assessment of wetlands has been formed, which has led to the massive destruction of mires. Swamps were considered evil, ruined places where life can not exist. This led to massive mosquito destruction.

Later, a number of studies were conducted to study marshes in terms of their biodiversity.

On February 2, 1971, in Ramsar (Iran), the Ramsar Convention or the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, mainly as a Waterfowl Habitat, which is an international agreement. The purpose of the Convention was to preserve the existing wetlands, mainly as habitats for rare species of animals. Ukraine is a Contracting Party to the Convention.

If we look at the root causes of the destruction of unique cells - then, it should be noted the leveling of the role of wetlands for the environment and human life because of the lack of environmental information, environmental education. Unfortunately, this situation persists today, especially in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Author Biography

Ганна Миколаївна Проскура, Національний авіаційний університет

аспірант Навчально-наукового юридичного інституту


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How to Cite

Проскура, Г. М. (2018). SCIENTIFIC AND LEGAL BASIS OF INFORMATION SYSTEM OF WETLANDS PROTECTION. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 4(49), 96–102.

