value, freedom, justice, equality, law, legal actAbstract
Purpose: the need for the axiological measurement of a legal act arises in the aspect of studying ways to increase the effectiveness of the right to optimize the implementation of the values of the individual, providing a reliable and guaranteed space for the activities of the person. Normatively secured values, if the developed legal regulation system in the country acts, constitute a normative guarantee of the realization of freedom, equality and justice. Methods: methodological basis of the study was the system of methods, approaches and principles of knowledge of legal phenomena, which provided an objective analysis of the chosen subject of research. The paper used general scientific and special-scientific methods of scientific knowledge. Methods of logical analysis and synthesis, not only contributed to the systematization of available factual material, but also allowed to obtain certain theoretical results as a condition for achieving the goals set in the work. Results: the theoretical and practical provisions, conclusions and suggestions formulated in the dissertation can be used in the field of law enforcement - to ensure the accurate and correct application of legislation taking into account the role of a person in the system of elements of legal status. Discussion: the idea of an axiological approach to the study of the nature of freedom in the law, according to which freedom is consider as an independent scientific category. Value component of law, the essential basis of the legal space, is aim at providing each individual with the opportunity to receive benefits and is a means of its social security.
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