Conditions and problems of dissociation of robbery are from criminal offences with contiguous corpus and feature of his qualification
robbery, theft, shakedown, punishmentAbstract
In the article the problems of differentiation of robbery from crimes with contiguous composition are examined and feature of his qualification.
Responsibility for the appropriation of property in an illegal method comes after the different articles of the Criminal code of Ukraine. The special attention is attracted by the articles of this Code about laying hands on property, perfect by a theft, robbery, shakedown and robbery. These types of crimes have a row of alike signs, and separate lawyers-scientists distinguish a robbery as especially dangerous method of laying hands on property of other persons.
The general object of encroachment for all of them is a right of ownership that is guarded by a law. An object can be property of certain cost, that belongs to the separately certain person. The objective side of such crimes is that a criminal in a illegal method lays hands on stranger property on the benefit or benefit of other person, what inflicts a property damage to the legal proprietor. The subjective side of these crimes is characterized by both direct intention and presence of mercenary motives. The subject of crimes against property is a person able to bear the legal responsibility.
A the same corpus delict in his concrete display can have different kinds and depends on a presence or absence in the articles of the Criminal code of Ukraine of aggravating or emollient circumstances.
Robbery ‑ it one of the most dangerous crimes against state, communal and personal property. Essence of robbery consists in the simultaneous trenching upon property and man, here the violence applied at a robbery creates a health hazard not only but also for life suffering. Next to the marked criteria of this illegal act there is a row of complications in the rightness of his qualification and dissociation from crimes with contiguous composition. To it the ambiguous estimation of this type of crime testifies in different scientific works.
Thus, for, correctly to characterize and mark off a robbery from the offences marked higher, it is necessary clearly to present basic differences between contiguous corpus delicts and recognize for them exactly that composition that took place in reality.
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