Characteristics of the criminal offenses in economic activity


  • Софія Яківна Лихова National Aviation University



business activities, the subject of crime, criminal offenses, classification, social benefits, subject size, excisable goods, company name


The question of crimes in the sphere of economic activity is relevant. The result of the commission of these crimes is a violation of  social relations in the sphere of distribution of goods, their production and economic services. These crimes are provide in the Criminal Code of Ukraine. This encroachment on how to use the money, securities and other documents. Also, these crimes are harmful to the tax system, fiscal system and monetary system. Besides the danger of these crimes is that they are harmful to the rights and legitimate interests of creditors and consumers. Suffer entrepreneurial activity and anti-monopoly activities. Therefore, the study of these crimes is very important. Studies of these crimes being done to improve the standards of criminal law.

First, we should pay attention to the subject of these crimes. It is necessary to distinguish one crime from another, properly determine the cost and size of these items. At the same time it should be noted that these items are secured in the other fields of law.

Law enforcement agencies do not always apply these rules correctly,  understand them in different ways. This leads to errors in the judicial practice.

The state pays attention to legislation in the field of combating economic crime. Changes and additions are made constantly in section VII of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. This demonstrates the importance, urgency and the need fight against crime in the economic sphere.

This article aims to study the subject of these crimes. Types and size of the object affects the correct application of the rules of criminal law. At the same time, it should be noted that for these offenses established civil and other types of responsibilities. That is the subject of these crimes, its types and sizes allow to properly install and type of responsibility. Today, state that there is no proper legal framework to protect the economy against crime. There are many controversial and unresolved issues related to the subject of these crimes.

Author Biography

Софія Яківна Лихова, National Aviation University

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor, Department Chair


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How to Cite

Лихова, С. Я. (2016). Characteristics of the criminal offenses in economic activity. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 3(40), 157–162.



Criminal Law and Criminology