The Criminogenic Situation in Ukraine and their Influence on the Development of National Criminological Science
criminological science, violent crime, terrorism, internally displaced persons, corruptionAbstract
The importance of connection between the contemporary socio-political events in Ukraine, causing aggravation of the criminogenic situation, and determination of the problems solving of which will become a task for the national criminological science in the near future, has been proved in the article. The criminogenic situation in our country has been shifting from bad to even worse. That’s why the insight of this fact is a top-priority task of Ukrainian criminologists. Subsequently, scientific researches of this problem will set priorities for criminological research.
The author underlined, that currently criminological analysis of the abovementioned problem was just beginning, because till present there wasn`t any substantiate scientific work in this sphere. According to the official statistics, the quantitative indexes of violent crimes and violent and acquisitive crimes are worsening. The rate of crimes involving illegal commerce in weapon in Ukraine is high as never before. We can say the same about the crimes in the sphere of assembling of military and paramilitary units with no legal ground. The new phenomenon for Ukraine is terrorism. Over the two last years the record number of terror attacks has been registered. It is emphasized, that during the history of independent Ukraine the current great number of violations of foreign territorial supremacy, crimes against constitutional regime, efforts of state power capture, facts of treasons against the state and subversions has never been registered before.
Nowadays the necessity for scientific conceptualization of such issue as quasicontraband, when products are trafficked from the territories under the control of Ukraine to the temporary occupied territories, is arising. The problems of the improper use of budget funds in the Armed Forces of Ukraine; crimes in the sphere of the state secrets’ safe-keeping, inviolability of state frontiers, levy and mobilization ensuring; crimes against peace and security of mankind and international legality etc. are also timely for national criminological researches. The author made an analogy between stalking and facts of pursuit of a person because of nationality, any political or religious motives.
It is confirmed in the article, that the criminality of the forced migrants, spending of budget funds on the new state bodies’ establishment and corruption will become more and more pressing issues.
The author concluded, that according to the analysis of the contemporary criminogenic situation of Ukraine the future lines for criminological research would become: 1) analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indexes of both “traditional” types of criminality and “new” varieties of criminal traits in reaction to the socio-political events in society; 2) estimation of the determination complex of criminal offences pursuant to emergence of new socio-economic, political, military and international factors, which have specified the life of Ukrainian society during the last time; 3) development of the new strategies of crime prevention in Ukraine.
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