The right to judicial protection and the problems of its security in the event of loss of the materials of the administrative case
judicial defence, right of defence, administrative business, administrative court, loss of business materialsAbstract
The article is sanctified to the problems of judicial defence in the cases when materials of administrative business are lost. Grounded, that storage of business is in an electronic kind, the conduct of electronic archives will allow in the difficult situations constrained from with the cases of loss of business, to keep documents properly, to have the opportunity practically complete recreation of materials of business that in turn will result in conditioning of providing of realization to the citizens of right of judicial defence.
The right of judicial defence is envisaged by positions of century of a 6 Code of the administrative rule-making of Ukraine, concordantly to that every person has a right in the order set by this Code, to appeal to the administrative court, if considers that broken a decision, action or inactivity of subject of imperious plenary powers her rights, freedoms or interests.
However, how to be in the cases when are not present materials of administrative business sufficient, for the acceptance of legal and reasonable decision, or, when a person has a court decision, and wishes it to appeal, and business materials are lost? Answers for these questions are complicated, and constrained, firstly, with absence of necessity judicial realization is lost the mechanism of renewal in administrative to business, secondly, by imperfection of judicial legislation in the field of it, thirdly, necessary scientific accompaniment of these questions.
The analysis of judicial practice testifies that today in the Only state register of court decisions contained 7736 businesses, among that there are 1165 decisions revised by an appellate instance in renewed administrative business, 1081 - by the Higher administrative court of Ukraine.
Summarizing the all above-mentioned, it is possible to mark one only, that introduction is in the trial of information technologies, creation of mechanisms of distribution of the use of electronic judicial circulation of documents and introduction of the systems "Electronic business", the "Electronic court" will result in reduction of terms of consideration of businesses, will improve access to the justice.
The use of CASS in courts it will be allowed automatically to form number of judicial realization, texts of court decisions (decisions and resolutions), and executive folias and other documents. In case of necessity, the interested person can get the copies of these documents in an electronic kind.
Про судоустрій і статус суддів: Закон України від 7 липня 2010 р. № 2453-VI [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
Кодекс адміністративного судочинства України від 6 липня 2005 р. № 2747-IV [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
Про затвердження Положення про автоматизовану систему документообігу суду: Рішення Ради суддів України від 26 листопада 2010 р. № 30 [Електронний ресурс] // Офіційний веб-портал «Судова влада України». – Режим доступу: - розділ ІІ
Камінська І. В. «Електронний суд» як гарантія доступності правосуддя / І. В. Камінська // Вісник Академії адвокатури України. – 2013. – № 3 (28)