Jurisprudence: from the origins to modern times
jurisprudence, theoretical jurisprudence, practical jurisprudence, evolution of jurisprudence, legal culture, spiritual cultureAbstract
The article deals with the issues of the origin, nature and content of jurisprudence, the definition of general and specific features of its evolution and investigation of the formation of modern legal science. The study contains conclusions concerning the understanding of jurisprudence not only as a theoretical-ideological science, but as practical-applied one that is a rational system of theoretical knowledge about law and activities aimed to obtain this knowledge, and service of specific practical needs of legal life today .
Jurisprudence, as one of the most important components of spiritual culture of society, has always reflected processes of social consciousness, its content has been filled with not only ethics and philosophy, but it has also been influenced by political ideology and other human sciences, such as logic, philology, history, etc. This close relationship of jurisprudence with these components of spiritual culture was a necessary factor of its gradual development. But the nature of this relationship depended on the development of civilizations, changes that occurred as a result of transition from one era to another, and also on the specific character of the development of every country. That is, the world history of jurisprudence should be considered not just as a sum of stories of certain countries’ jurisprudence, but as a whole evolutionary process that is subject to common patterns and is revealed in accordance with a certain logic of development.
Jurisprudence should be considered as an ancient academic science and profession, which was an essential part of law that existed at such levels of cultural development, when the appearance and development of scientific and theoretical knowledge and research were out of the question. The appearance of the first theoretical elements of jurisprudence on the basis of specific concepts takes place when general, abstract legal definitions are created due to revealing their nature, role and importance, establishing their relationship with other phenomena. Of course, some scientific character does not make jurisprudence a science, but its gradual accumulation has paved the way for the development of legal science.
At the present stage of development jurisprudence is quite extensive and differentiated system of scientific knowledge, types and forms of scientific activity that covers such fields as legal science, legal practice and legal education, which ensure the use, transfer and application of legal knowledge. In scientific literature jurisprudence is defined as the science that has multidimensional purpose and consists of blocks of academic legal knowledge systems, including fundamental theoretical and historical foundations of law; methodology of jurisprudence (paradigms, methodological approaches, methods of formation of scientific knowledge and empirical research); systems of scientific legal knowledge of "middle level" of the field and problem nature; systems of applied scientific knowledge, which reflect the order, forms, methods, techniques, tools of various types of legal affairs.
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