The concept and features of transport services


  • Ірина Степанівна Лукасевич-Крутник Ternopil National Economic University



transport services, transport service definition, general features, the special features of transport services


The article focuses on reserach of transport services concept and its characteristic features. The provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine and different theoretical views on the studied subject were analyzed in the article. On this basis, the author formulated independent conclusions, it was proposed  to amend the legislation of Ukraine.

It was offered to determine transport service as an action or set of actions (activities) aimed at transportation and (or) providing of other additional operations for support to implement the movement of passenger, baggage, cargo.

General characteristics are typical for transport service, like for any other one. Thus, the general characteristics of transport services are:

- Transport services are consumed in the course of their provision (transport services are provided and consumed simultaneously);

- Indivisibility of transport service means that transport service can not be separated from the performer, as consumed in the process of the performer activity;

- Transport services have intangible nature (they can not be felt as a material object, reification result can not be the result of service);

- Short life of transport services (transport services can not be saved, stored, used in the future);

- The instability of the quality of transport services (quality of transport services may vary according to the subject of providing, place and time of providing and other circumstances).

Except general characteristics, special features (peculiarities) are typical for transport services. Thus, the transport services provide to continue the process of production and circulation, therefore are depended on their state of other factors of development of market economy.

Author Biography

Ірина Степанівна Лукасевич-Крутник, Ternopil National Economic University

Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law and Process, Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.)


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How to Cite

Лукасевич-Крутник, І. С. (2016). The concept and features of transport services. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(39), 113–117.

