State administration in genesis of state power


  • Іван Лук'янович Бородін National Aviation University



state administration, state power, a social state, executive power, subjects of administration, objects of administration, forms of administration, methods of administration, targets of administrations


The article is devoted to problems of definition of state administration in the process of origin and formation of state power. The article also pays attention to the structure of state administration, as an important and necessary value in its scientific analysis. One of the most important processes characterizing changes in modern systems of state administration and state power is development and implementation of not only separate methods that allow to improve efficiency of state administration and establish its relationship with the interests of the state as a whole, but also new principles of structural organization of the administrative system. Reforming of the system of state administration should not be limited by creation of new state bodies or other administrative structures.

A crucial aspect of the modernization of the system of state administration in modern Ukraine is introduction of a fundamentally new model of interaction between subjects and objects of administration. As a result, the process of modernization of state administration is closely interrelated with the process of modernization of state power.

The circle of the major problems to be resolved in the process of modernization of state administration according to needs and objectives of state power are: a) improvement of legal framework of bodies of state  administration activity; b) formation of effective organization of the system of state administration; c) introduction of new ideology of state administration functioning, based on requirements to ensure rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen; d) organization of public service on new principles; d) creation of a modern system of training and retraining of staff in the sphere of state administration; h) improvement of a system of liability of bodies of state administration and individual officers and public officers for their actions or inaction before the citizens and the state; g) implementation of control means from the side of the state and an institute of a civil society for the functioning of the system of state administration from the side of  the society.

In fact, a traditional appeal to organization of systems of administration problems (and including state administration) begins with a concept of “rational organization” of a system of administration. In fact, the dominance of state power exists because of an administrative function of a state that is directly implemented through the system of administration or bureaucracy. This system is not a random formation. This is because the rational state power always acts according to clear rules that are understandable for everybody. These rules must be institutionalized. That is, in order to be implemented, state power has to get its organizational form that should not be any, but the same way systematized and rationally justified as state power. On the other hand, the need of a complicated administrative mechanism is explained by the increasingly higher level of complexity of state and social relations that it has to regulate.

Thereby: 1. State administration has to be carried out in a professional manner. 2. All tasks of an administrative system are distributed according to the functionality of each of the components of the system. 3. The system of state administration is organized in a hierarchical manner. 4. Unlike administration the private sector public officers have no right of ownership for control facilities. 5. Officials and public officers of the higher level have no right to “privatize” a governance body. 6. The whole process of governance is based on written prescriptions or written documents that provide clear and accurate transmission of information in a structure of state administration. 7. The process of control in a system of state administration is based on rational impersonal rules.

Author Biography

Іван Лук'янович Бородін, National Aviation University

Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor


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How to Cite

Бородін, І. Л. (2016). State administration in genesis of state power. Scientific Works of Kyiv Aviation Institute. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 2(39), 36–41.

