Forensic methods of crime investigation: current state and problems of development
forensic methods of crime investigation, classification, content, task, specific form of forensic investigation techniquesAbstract
Analyzed the issue of formation methods of investigating crimes. The modern scientific views on the nature and objectives of forensic techniques. The article explored some of the problems of the current state and trends of the final section of criminalistics – crime investigation techniques. Analyzed the views of modern forensic scientists on the principles of formation forensic techniques. Proposed allocation of two levels of the following principles: 1) aimed at forming the principles of theoretical development of certain forensic techniques and 2) designed to optimize the practice of investigation of crimes. Copyright expressed views on classification, content and form separate forensic investigation techniques.Increased interest in this section of criminalistics as a method of investigation of crimes due to several reasons. First, the theoretical basis of forensic methods for years in complex and diverse not been developed, which can be explained by accumulation, understanding, processing and adaptation knowledge in the field of philosophy, computer science, management theory and information theory, praxeology and other natural sciences and humanities, resulting Update, extension, revision and systematization of the conceptual apparatus of this section of forensic science. Second, changing socio-economic relations in the states that were formerly part of the USSR, new types of crime, organized crime have spread formation, increased and strengthened professional and recurrent crime that caused the scientific development of many new and significantly upgrade existing individual (interspecies, species, subspecies) investigation techniques. Thirdly, such a methodology had different, sometimes not elaborate structure that affects and their sense perception, theoretical understanding and practical application efficiency.
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