Personnel of Civil Aviation as a Systematic Formation


  • Ольга Анатоліївна Гусар National Aviation University



personnel of civil aviation, system, organization, structure, personnel, elements


The personnel of civil aviation is a system organized formation of trained workers of civil aviation with a certain system of roles and functions of service and management character for fulfillment of aviation activity.

Environment for the system of the personnel of civil aviation is a single aviation and transport system (ATS) where it is functioning.

An obligatory attribute of the personnel of civil aviation is aspiration to            self-preservation in existing quality what leads to its adaptation to internal and external influences. It adapts not only to the environment, where it is functioning, to influences from other systems, but itself makes an active influence on them.

Main system characteristics of the personnel of civil aviation are the following: 1) existence of more than two components, which are the basis for creation of its chief and directed subsystems; 2) system emergentness, that is existence of elements, which don’t amount to the whole; 3) ramified net of external and internal informational ties between elements of the system; 4) functioning of the parts and the whole is based on homogeneous principles: unity of air space, unity of air legislation, unity of state regulation; 5) unity of aim, that is ensuring of needs of the citizens and country’s economy by means of rendering of services for aviation transportation and fulfillment of aviation activity in the sphere of civil aviation; 6) the personnel of civil aviation as a system is a part of aviation and transport system; 7) progress with time determines the character of interaction between elements of the system and gives an opportunity to establish regularities of historical development of the system as a whole.

Author Biography

Ольга Анатоліївна Гусар, National Aviation University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Гусар, О. А. (2016). Personnel of Civil Aviation as a Systematic Formation. Scientific Works of National Aviation University. Series: Law Journal "Air and Space Law", 1(38), 13–18.

