
  • В. С. МОРОЗОВ Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University


economic regulation, international exhibition and fair activities, “AUMA”, “Hannover Messe”, “Green Week”, “ITB Berlin”, “ILA”, “BAUMA”


The paper analyzes the international exhibition and fair support system in Germany. It is revealed the features of the most important and world-famous exhibitions and fairs in Germany: the international industrial fair “Hannover Messe”, the international agricultural fair “Green Week”, the international tourist exhibition “ITB Berlin”, the international aerospace salon “ILA”, “BAUMA”. It is defined that the international exhibition and fair support system in Germany has been created and continues to operate as extensive, multi-level, multi-industrial and multidimensional.

Author Biography

В. С. МОРОЗОВ, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University

PhD in economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of International Business at the Institute of International Relations


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