
  • О. К. Юдін
  • Ю. П. Бойко



, transformed images compression, monobasic coding, compression method


In this paper proposed a model for evaluating the degree of reduction in the volume of video data with the limited availability of quality loss visualization images based on compression method using adaptive array monobasic positional encoding lengths of series of binary elements (CDE) of bit description transformant. Described the stages of creating the model cost estimates the number of operations for processing images with the following features: the formation of an array of lengths of series of binary elements is achieved by indexing series of binary elements in the one-dimensional sequence based on their linear coordinates; formation code for adaptive monobasic positional number in the compression bit description transformant carried out without time delays on the calculation of weights which reduces the number of multiplications; allocation of the number of discharges under the codeword implemented as a result of only one multiplication. Proposed a comparative evaluation of the proposed method with the existing methods of compression in available mode as a limited loss of visualization of images in the degree of volume of video data, that is reduced, and the time for its processing.


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Information and Communication Systems and Networks