
  • Ю.М. Терещенко
  • К.В. Дорошенко
  • А. Техрані



compressor cascade, numerical simulation, mesh, turbulence model


In current practice, the design of gas turbine engines are widely used numerical experiment. It is known that any CFD software package requires configuration before performing numerical calculations, which consists of selecting the appropriate geometrical parameters of the calculate  area, the computational grid, turbulence models, etc., which would provide a good agreement with experiment. In work are represented results of numerical simulation of flow at compressor cascade at various mesh and various turbulence models. Flow calculation are done at velocity coefficient λ=0,385-0,86. Results of numerical simulation of flow at compressor cascade and results of physical experiment are compared. Based on a comparison of simulation results with experimental results, we can conclude that for numerical simulation of flow at compressor cascade expedient use adaptive shallow mesh and Menter SST turbulence model.


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Transport systems