environment condition, radioactive pollution, population health status, mortality, birth rate, morbidity, disease incidenceAbstract
One of the most important problems of radiocontaminated territories after the Chernobyl accident - adverse influence of environment quality on population health status has been considered. The necessity of further study of the given problem is estableshed; as considerable increase in pathological states of various systems of human organism; and diseases; which can be considered as radiationally induced; is observed in population; living on territories polluted by radioactive materials. Based on Department of Statistics in Rivne region data the main tendencies of demographic situation; dymamics of non-tumor and tumor pathologies for a period of 1988-2010 in Dubrovitsya district; which still remains one of the most affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident “northern”districts of Rivne region; have been analyzed.
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