
  • L. S. Chubko
  • S. O. Yasenev




spatially distributed information, geospatial data bases, objects display, digital maps, relative location, geodetic framework, coordinates


Increasing of the speed and aircraft number cause an increase of the processes complexity of the reflection, recognition and interaction with them, that’s why there is a necessity for its binding to the terrain over which they move, creating a system of representation. In this article conducted the analysis that lays in considering of the structural characteristics of such systems and objects movement represented processes by simultaneous transformation of their characters and cartographic background plots. The purpose of this article lies in motion mapping process with the databases of geospatial data using considering. The features of spatially distributed information presentation for determination of the moving objects location are considered. The process of cartographic background representation in displaying air situation systems is analyzed. The methods for base map data creating in dynamical systems, that takes into account the properties of digital maps and precision geodetic framework is represented.


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Control systems