Optimization of neural network training using genetic algorithm for texture segmentation of MRI - images


  • В. А. Панчук National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"
  • Д. Ю. Лебедев National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"




Neural network, perceptron, back propagation algorithm, genetic algorithm


An analysis of existing methods for image processing. These solutions allow you to create an automated system for diagnosing diseases based on data obtained from images of magnetic resonance imaging. Satisfy the requirements of the system diagnostic neural network based on three - layer perceptron. In the process simulation software package MatLab v R2007b, were investigated speed of network training on the number of neurons in the hidden layer for the conventional method of back propagation and combined with genetic algorithm. The study revealed the advantage of the combined method for image classification task. This method halves the number of training effects and requires fewer neurons in the hidden layer, which facilitates network architecture and reduces the computational cost


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Information and Communication Systems and Networks