coating, discrete structure of island type, stress, elasticity modulus, strengthAbstract
In order to improve the quality of coatings, a novel principle for deposition of strengthening coatings with high thermomechanical properties has been developed at Pysarenko Institute for Problems of Strength NAS of Ukraine (IPS). It consists in replacing a conventional continuous layer with a discontinuous mosaic-discrete structure. Realization of this principle in fabrication of coatings has permitted an increase in their adhesion and corrosion stability thanks to restriction of maximal stresses in both coating layer and adhesion contact.
The article is devoted to the development of the trend for creation of coatings with a discrete structure. As a result of the fulfillment of these tasks directed to investigation of constructive – technological methods for improvement of protective coating operability, a discrete structure of strengthening protective coatings (SPC) has been created. The discrete structure of the island type is shown to provide operability of high-modulus superhard coatings on metals and alloys with lower elasticity modulus. Under contact loads, it reduces tensile stresses by over 3 times.
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